HRD Attestation: What Is It?

John Show
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Your papers will need to be authenticated by four separate entities before they can be presented to an embassy for use abroad: the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoH), the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD), and the embassy itself.

In cases where a candidate's educational credentials needed to be authenticated by the Human Resources Development (HRD) department of the relevant state, we would act as intermediaries, submitting the necessary paperwork on their behalf. If the HRD department determined that the candidate's documents were genuine, they would then issue an attestation. Please provide it to us.

If a candidate needs to have a non-educational certificate authenticated, we used to submit it on their behalf to the relevant state's Home Department. The Home Department would then send a copy of the certificate, along with a covering note questioning the authenticity of the document, to the relevant District Commissioner, who would then compare the information against their own records and respond to the Home Department if it was found to be authentic.

To get HRD Attestation, one must personally provide the required documentation to the HRD's office. Certified Xerox Reproductions of Grade Sheets Certified Xerox reproductions of your passport Include two passport-sized photos and two copies of the offer letter.


According to a senior Indian embassy official, Indian expats who want to bring their spouses to the Sultanate must get a marriage certificate validly authenticated by the general attestation departments (GAD) in India. oman embassy attestation

According to S. Srinivasa Babu, first secretary (Consular) at the Indian Embassy, the marriage certificate must be confirmed by the general attestation department of the state where the marriage was conducted, and both the original and a duplicate must be provided to the embassy.

Why is HRD Attestation so important, and what are its benefits?

Despite the existence of such processes, the Indian community in the Sultanate lately had some uncertainty about the marriage certificate attestation services.

We can certify your marriage certificate with absolute certainty after you have had it properly confirmed by the general attestation department.

It will help stay clear of any issues that may have been avoided. Those are the standard operating requirements for a marriage certificate attestation at all Indian embassies in the Gulf Cooperation Council states, the source said.

If you need a document to be legalised or authenticated by a consulate in India or another country, you should go to the Ministry of External Affairs.

It also has locations in Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Guwahati in addition to New Delhi.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs must certify marriage certificates for most Gulf Cooperation Council nations.

The Indian Embassy can tell whether a marriage certificate has been faked if it has been properly certified by the state's general attestation department where the marriage took place. Deepa Sudhir, a member of the Indian Embassy's advocate panel, said to Times of Oman that this will assist in halting malpractices.

I have dealt with several situations involving forged marriage licenses. The lawyer assured his client that the embassy authorities in this country would have no doubts attesting to the authenticity of the certificate since GADs only certify certificates after thorough verifications.

Some people have even sought to bring in housemaids from India with the use of counterfeit marriage papers, without adequate verification, since the laws for doing so were tightened a few months ago. GADs can confirm whether a wedding has really taken place. A certificate verified by the GAD will thus be completely reliable," the attorney concluded. delhi hrd attestation

As a general rule, most Indian states have several GAD offices. For the state of Kerala, seven GAD offices are available.


In the meanwhile, PM Jabir, director of the Kerala Pravasi Welfare Fund Board in Oman, has advocated for the Ministry of External Affairs to recognise marriage certificates authenticated by Indian district collectors.

Problems with certifying marriage licenses will be alleviated as a result of this change. He argued that, in the instance of Kerala, the Non- Resident Keralites (NORKA) offices should be granted the right to certify marriage certificates.

While GAD certification will be useful in reducing malpractice, what about certain ongoing cases?

A recent Indian couple in Muscat had difficulty getting their marriage certificate authenticated.

"They have been instructed to get their marriage certificate validated by the GAD in India in order to apply for a passport for their newborn kid here in Muscat."

They need to visit India in order to get GAD attestation. However, without a passport, they cannot travel with or leave the infant in another country. They have reached an impasse. He said that the embassy should find answers to such problems.




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